Warm weather means that camping season is finally here for everyone who loves spending time in the great outdoors. Alaska is one of the best places in the world to go camping. The state features breathtaking scenery, and it is remote, which gives you lots of space to get away from it all. If you are making the trip to go camping in Alaska, there are some things you should know to keep you safe and make sure you have a great time.

Dean Buescher is a business management specialist by trade and an avid outdoorsman in his spare time. Today he shares some tips for going camping in Alaska.
- Beware of bears. There are high populations of black and brown bears in Alaska, so you should follow all local safety advice. Carry bear spray with you. Do not store food or anything that could attract bears near your tent. Keep these items in a bear-safe storage bin or vehicle.
- Wear the right attire. Not only do you have to be prepared for rain, but also mosquitos. Bug spray can help a little, but it is best to wear clothes that cover your arms and legs. In the summer heat, opt for loose fitting clothes in light colors and breathable materials.
- Remember that often times in Alaska you will be camping in remote places without many facilities or cell phone reception. You will need to bring everything that you need with you including food, proper weather gear, cooking equipment, bags to carry your trash out, etc.