If you are new to camping, you may be wondering what do people even do on a camping trip. Some people may think camping is boring, but it is actually a great way to reconnect with nature, relax, and have fun. It’s always a good idea, though, to have some activities to fall back on if you are stuck on what to do.

Dean Buescher is a business consultant and avid outdoorsman who enjoys spending his summers camping in the great outdoors. The activities you can do while camping is endless, but here are a few ideas to get you started.
- Grab your hiking boots and hit the trails. Take the time to be present and take in the nature and scenery around you. If you have kids, you can put together a fun little scavenger hunt for them.
- Collect firewood and build a campfire in the evening. You can never have too much firewood – just make sure fires are allowed at your campsite. Bonus points for smores and ghost stories.
- Lay down and look at the sky. How often do you get to just relax and cloud gaze or stargaze? Especially if you live in a city, stars are not always visible from light pollution. Spend some time trying to identify the constellations.
- Bring a rainy-day fail-safe. Bring some portable chargers and something to watch a movie on in the tent if the rain is pouring down outside.
- Do some water activities if you are on a lake, such as paddle boarding, kayaking, boating, or even just swimming. Find or make a rope swing for some extra fun.